Civiltrain offer four courses which can be completed using our e-learning platform.
Efficient Compaction Operators (ECO) | Efficient Compaction Advanced (ECA) | Nuclear Density Meter Users Course (NDMUC) | Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
You are purchasing a ‘Viewer License’ which grants you access to your courses for 24 hours. Our courses take between 3-4 hours to complete.
Two payment & activation options upon checkout: 1) Credit Card – instant activation, OR, 2) Purchase Order – activation by Civiltrain upon receipt of PO during normal business hours
Manual account activation and website support is available during normal business hours.
This course focuses on compaction in the field and industry 'best practice' to achieve a better result. This course has received outstanding feedback over the years and is fast becoming the industry benchmark for road builders and maintenance staff. This course will give your staff the knowledge and confidence to do the job right, first time.

Introduction to Compaction. Introduction to road (pavement) theory and earthworks. Field compaction methods for construction materials. Detailed description of construction layers. Practical tips for machine operators. Practical guidance for technical staff.

Materials used for civil construction. Cohesive and granular soil types; their origins, characteristics and field identification. How to fix poor materials. Material grading and how it can be changed in the field.

Soil mechanics including: wet and dry density and moisture content. Field techniques for wetting and drying. Field tests for Optimum Water Content (OWC). Layer thickness for construction materials. Primary compaction using vibration. Secondary compaction using weight and/or PTR. How to ‘read’ a roller to know when to stop. Plateau testing.

Typical compaction field gear. How they work. What materials to use them on. How to recognise overuse of plant. How to recognise good compactors from bad ones. Plus a ton of good old tricks!
Anyone involved in earthworks, pavement construction, pavement repairs and maintenance, stabilising and field work in general. From industry newbie to engineer/manager, everyone gets something from this course.
No. This is an entry level course suited to anyone embarking on a career in civil, to the seasoned engineer and technician.
Yes. We have an open forum to ask questions, or you can talk directly to the tutor via the website
100%. This course is seen as a ‘benchmark’ course for anyone involved in roading and earthworks. It has been peer reviewed and has never received negative feedback.
Yes, the course manual is written around the presentation.
This is a course that is aimed at engineers, laboratory staff, and advanced practitioners. This course is a must for your technical staff if your business is building quality roads. Want to know more about construction materials and testing? This is the one for you!

Detailed introduction to the importance of understanding compaction. Implications of poor compaction. Design life vs actual life. Causation of some premature failures. Field compaction techniques and how they work. Materials from a geological perspective, including 8 soil types found in subgrades. How understanding geology is useful for civil engineering.

Engineering soil classification. Field identification of different soils, their characteristics and how to fix poor materials. In-depth review of soil mechanics including: density (wet and dry), moisture content (including field tests), air voids, specific gravity/solid density, CBR, shear strength, Atterberg Limits.

Laboratory testing. Proctor/compaction curves and the 3 techniques used to find MDD/OWC. Particle Size Distribution (PSD) and the different gradings (well, poorly and gap grading). Sand equivalent and how to interpret the numbers. Plastic limit, liquid limit and Plasticity Index. Using PI to establish stabilising techniques and binders. CBR testing including soaked CBR. This module will show you how to get clever with the numbers!

Field testing and contracts. We cover Scala penetrometer (DCP), Impact Testers, Shear Vanes, Nuclear Density Meters (NDM’s) and more. We show you the limitations of each device, and what they show you. Detailed Plateau Testing and how to get clever with it. Typical roading contracts pulled apart. Contractor responsibilities and requirements. Areas of ambiguity and how to address.
This is a technical course aimed at under and post-grad engineers and technical staff.
This course is taught well but does cover detailed topics in depth. We suggest course participants to have some sort of tertiary education in civil to get the most out of this course. However this is not a hard and fast rule. If you have done all 4 modules of the Operator course, and are keen to learn more, then come on in! We would also highly recommend doing our Nuclear Density Meter User course as well.
Yes. We have an open forum to ask questions, or you can talk directly to the tutor via the website.
100%. This course fills the void that tertiary institutions leave behind. It also bridges the gap between theory and practical, which is hugely important these days. It has been peer reviewed and has never received negative feedback.
Yes, the course manual is written around the presentation.
This course covers all you need to know about NDM's and their place in the industry. NDM's are used all over the world for site testing and the correct operation and understanding of the gauge is absolutely critical. This course will show your staff what it is, how it works, and how to transport and store the device - a must if your business uses NDM's

Gauge theory and introduction to the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the machine. What it measures in the soil. What the numbers actually mean. How the NDM generates the important numbers. Who can use the device. How the NDM works based on radiation theory, including decay and half-life.

Technical guidance for density and moisture. How the lab numbers affect the NDM. What numbers need to be programmed into the NDM. Proof of how a NDM measures water content. Implications of NDM moisture measurements and how to correct these issues. Effects of stabilised materials with the NDM and how to fix.

Modes of measurement for all material types. Backscatter and Direct Transmission. Standard Counts and how to deal with counts that have failed. How to prepare a surface for all materials. How to perform your testing correctly. How to program a NDM with correct laboratory numbers.

Routine maintenance. How to clean the shield mechanism. Battery replacement. Calibration of your NDM; 3 block & 5 block. Legal road transportation of your NDM. Storage of your NDM and record keeping.
Anyone using the machine, or anyone who’s job requires an understanding of this very important testing tool.
No. This is a well taught and put together course that anyone can learn from.
Yes. We have an open forum to ask questions, or you can talk directly to the tutor via the website.
100%. Another ‘benchmark’ course by Civiltrain. We are the only providers of proper ‘user’ training that isn’t tainted by the manufacturers. Many companies now stipulate this course as mandatory before you can operate or transport the device. It has been peer reviewed and has never received negative feedback.
Yes, the course manual is written around the presentation

A single module that covers the Office of Radiation Safety ‘Core of Knowledge’ syllabus for most non-medical applications. It is primarily aimed at RSO’s who need to be appointed by the Managing Entity under the Radiation Safety Act, 2016. This course covers the requirements under C10 (X-Ray) and C12 (Radioactive) of the ORS Codes of Practice. Applicants will be required to complete the online quiz at the end of the presentation, and E- certs will be emailed to you. This course is also recognised as satisfying the requirements for a ‘Use License’ application, or those wishing to expand their knowledge due to Source Licensing and new legislation.
Anyone wishing to complete an ORS Approved course for Radiation Safety.
Yes. We have an open forum to ask questions, or you can talk directly to the tutor via the website.
This course has been approved by the Director of The Office of Radiation Safety in 2021.
Civiltrain are approved/registered trainers for The Ministry of Health.
Yes, the course manual is written around the presentation. You will be required to complete and submit a online exam to receive a certificate that satisfies the training requirements of the Core of Knowledge.
Yes absolutely. We have free Radiation Safety Plan (RSP) templates, advice on personal monitoring, wipe testing, pre and post audit assistance and a heap more.